There is NO THING that you have to overcome -RAdams

“The Self pervades all space and time. There’s nothing else. So how can you think there is such a thing as sickness, lack, limitation, depression, and these things that some of us go on with believing we have a fight on our hands, something to overcome,. That’s a joke, funny, ha-ha. There is no thing that you have to overcome. There is no karma that you have to overcome.

There are no samskaras. You’re not a sinner. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect just the way you are. You are the Self, the immutable Self, self-contained absolute reality. You have always been this. You are this. And nothing can tarnish this. Just by understanding what I’m saying will liberate you, totally.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)