There’s nothing to let go of -RAdams

“Why not understand your divinity right now and accept it. It’s not hard to do. Remember, there’s nothing to let go of. You do not have to affirm yourself to death, saying things like, ‘I let go now of all of my fears, all my sorrows.’ There are no fears and no sorrows to let go of. There never were any like that. They do not exist. Try to remember there’s absolutely nothing to let go of.

There’s only to be. In other words, you do not have to redeem yourself. You do not have to pray to an anthropomorphic deity up in the sky somewhere. There’s nothing you have to do, for you are already that. You have always been that, and you’re that right now; beautiful, happy, joyous, fulfilled, complete, absolute. It’s wonderful. “

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)