Stop analyzing -RAdams

“So the question is, what shall I do? You do exactly what you’re doing now, but you do not think about it. This is the important point. Do not try to find some new profound teaching, that will give you new words, or new methods, or new rules and regulations. You merely do what you’re doing now and you do not think about it, you do not attempt to analyze it, you do not think this teaching is higher than any other teaching.

You leave yourself alone. When you learn to leave yourself alone, in body and in mind, you have arrived. Do not ask, ‘Where have I arrived? To what have I arrived?’ This spoils the whole thing. This is what I’m trying to explain to you. Do not look at something that I say, and attempt to analyze it, tear it apart, try to make something out of it, or take refuge in it. Just be. Be neither this nor that.

If you were only able to do what I tell you, you would immediately feel a tremendous happiness, a tremendous bliss inside of you. You would feel a tremendous joy welling up within yourself. This happiness, this bliss and this joy is your very nature. It has nothing to do with words, places or things. It is what you are when you let go of everything that you’ve been holding on to.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)