Andrew Wommack on Kathryn Kuhlman

(by Robin Starbuck)

I learned of Kathryn Kuhlman many years ago, but only felt “led” recently to study her out. I had been quite impressed with the multitudes of healings that she had effected, but I do remember reasoning within myself that if a mere 10% of the healings were completely verifiable, 10% of three million total healings equals three hundred thousand! So, needless to say, I remained impressed.

Yesterday, however Andrew Wommack mentioned another initially troublesome statistic, namely that

Andrew Wommack on Kathryn Kuhlman
Andrew Wommack on Kathryn Kuhlman
90% of the healings ultimately were reversed. So my lightening-fast mind concluded that (a) 30,000 healings withstood the test of time and (b) I was still impressed.

But my real purpose in writing this essay is to refocus: Andrew Wommack with his Charis Bible College is all about discipleship, i.e., teaching people to access and depend on a personal relationship with God in which they can heal themselves and others. That’s where my interests lie as well.

My hope here is to urge not only a renewed appreciation for all the interest in healing as well as the successes that did occur with Kathryn Kuhlman but also to take the entire situation to the next level: WHY WASN’T IT PATENTLY OBVIOUS THEN AND NOW THAT PEOPLE WHO HAD JUST COME OUT OF 30+ YEARS OF SERVITUDE TO WHEELCHAIRS AND MULTIFARIOUS OTHER LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS ABSOLUTELY MUST TOTALLY IMMERSE THEMSELVES IN THE VERY WORD OF GOD WHICH FREED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE ?

Merely going back to the selfsame mindset that kept them in bondage for so many years was – and is – a recipe for DISASTER! These just-healed thousands of people should have not walked, but RUN to Charis Bible College to learn how to MAINTAIN their newly acquired healings. rjs