New Covenant established

The New Covenant was established at the Cross in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus, made between a Perfect Father and His Perfect Son, in 30 AD. Forty years later, a generation, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple occurred. Since then, Jesus says the Kingdom has now come to be present with power. The goal is for God’s Heavenly Kingdom to expand and advance over all the Earth. How has the Church been doing with advancing this Kingdom since the first century until now? Let’s look at some Church history:   Acts 3:19-21 –God has been recovering His creation since the Resurrection of Jesus occurred. What we can see throughout Church history is a recovery process so that the saints may truly possess the Kingdom and do something with it in this Earth. Restoration, Recovery, Restitution (to restore to the original state or position).
~ David Duncan
God’s Covenant Journey:
Understanding the Bible story
through a historic, covenantal
and Kingdom lens

David Duncan and grandaughter
David Duncan and grandaughter