Why enlightenment? -rjs book

“Now why would I, a happy, young, successful business person, be interested in enlightenment? you ask? “Why should I invest my precious time learning about higher Consciousness?”
Because right now you are invested up to your eyeballs in disaster, discord, disease, death. It may be couched in the thrills and excitement of this world – all of which will come tumbling down, as matter is heir to.

Like anybody else I had plenty of reason to think that I was just not ready or not the right person for enlightenment because there were so many other things going on in my life and vying for my attention all the time.

Higher Consciousness won me over as I will elaborate a little later on, and so I have decided to dedicate my entire life to my passion of sharing how to get out of the body – including the body’s mind – once and for all and stay in the Spirit permanently. By the end of the book I’m pretty sure you’ll understand why!

“You” = me. This book is being written for you, in the hopes of reaching those unaddressed areas within yourself that have defiantly refused to be released to your soul. What I’m drawing from is myself – as I was from so-called birth – through my transitioning preparation – sometimes right up until a few minutes ago!

The big difference between “you” and me is that I may have polished up my ability to lie to myself longer and better than “you” have … maybe. I never meant to lie to anyone – least of all to myself. Good grief. But I see now – with all my well-honed techniques for convincing myself that I have arrived, the worst of them all is that I believed my own lies!

But, regarding pure spiritual reality, I’ve been ‘at it’ for a long, long time and one thing I can do for you is to argue on behalf of quitting all self-deception. We’ve got much too important work to do – “you” and me – and we must cut off the impediments as best we can. I’ve even devoted a chapter to “Brutal Honesty” which echoes the same sentiment. We can’t be content with mere superficial attempts to prove the healing truths that constitute Enlightenment.

Dr. Robin Starbuck
You can heal yourself now