Allegorical vs literal KF

People can get quite upset when you mention the Bible these days. I believe that one of the reasons some have a hard time where the scriptures are concerned is because many have ministered and focused on the ‘letter’ rather than the ‘spirit of the word’. Many have made allegorical stories literal and literacy allegoric. Scripture states that Jesus taught in parabolic language only. Now, the book of Revelation states in chapter 5 that there is a book ‘within’ (esoteric in Greek) which is the book of spirit. Jesus told the religious lawyers that ‘they take away the KEY OF KNOWLEDGE by not turning within themselves and they hinder those who desired to turn within’. The inner book of spirit will often times lead us to the outer book to confirm what has been spoken to us from within. Many people have lost heart where the Bible is concerned due to literal interpretations and eschatological teachings of ‘gloom and doom’. I totally get that! Been there–done that–got the t-shirt!

For example, literal interpretations of the Old Testament picture God as a retributive wrathful God; yet people have failed to understand that the writers of the Old Testament were influenced by the former false ‘gods’ which they depended on to bless them or, very often would curse them according to whether or not they would offer sacrifice. Some of those false gods are even mentioned in scripture. In John 1:18 it states that ‘NO MAN saw God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him’. Not until Jesus revealed the love of the Father did many of the Old Testament writers see the love, grace and mercy of the Father. Someone may ask, ‘But what about the verse in II Timothy 3:16 which states that ‘ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine…’ Many teach that every word in the Bible is inspired. The Greek rendering of that verse states that ‘every God-inspired word is profitable…or, every word which was inspired of God is profitable…’ That is a far cry from stating that ‘EVERY WORD’ is inspired. When one cannot reconcile that reality in their awareness they will usually continue to struggle with scripture.

Now, back to my original thought for this post: If we can see that which is symbolic, spiritual, parabolic and allegoric, we will come away with an entirely different view of scripture. For example, I have been looking at the different dimensions of things in the Old Testament which were measured in cubits, and I came to realize that everything measured in cubits depicts consciousness and reveals how important it truly is. One cannot birth outwardly (visible) except from that which is true inwardly (invisible). As I began to look at all of the different things measured in CUBITS and beheld how perfectly they depict the number 9 which is the number inferring consciousness, I could not help but think how beautifully assembled the scriptures truly are; which we see when we are focused spiritually, allegorically, parabolically and symbolically. However, if we are not thus focused, then to us there can be a lot of confusing things written therein. I believe that is largely why people have difficulty and end up losing confidence that there is anything of value written in the Bible. I do believe that turning within to the ‘book within’ is our first source of revelation, since only our spirit can quicken truth to us to begin with; but I honestly love the scriptures and the synchronicity that I AM finding therein as wonderful confirmation to what is being revealed to many people at this time! Yes, Christ Jesus IS the word made flesh and WE are One as Christ in the earth, so let us realize that there are many glorious things written which were explained by the writers in literal terms that are HAPPENING in/as us today! Kay Fairchild