Spiritual awakening vs. cult of ego

Let’s talk about being one of the ‘in’ crowd. You know what I’m talking about — part of Q, in the know, not one of the uninformed and out of touch sheep.

Here’s what that gives you:

1.Something to believe in . You get to be right; others get to be wrong.

  1. Favored status. You are one of the special ones who get it; others aren’t.
  2. Off the hook. You get a free pass for the disasters; others are to blame.
  3. Saved. Someone out there is going to save you because you were smart enough to see what others missed; others will not be saved.
  4. A sense of ease and safety. Your life is neatly compartmentalized and lacks messy uncertainty; others who disagree with you are simply wrong, not worth engaging.

Now let’s look at what spiritual awakening is all about:

  1. You are stripped of everything you hold dear; including ideas about other people and lose many friendships as well.
  2. You are relieved of your beliefs; even beliefs about others. It is impossible to judge another without those beliefs.
  3. You discover that you don’t have any power; and recognize that no one else does either. The idea of blame drops like a brick as this one penetrates deeply.
  4. Without an identity which dropped with the beliefs and your sense of personal power, you remain here-now in the present moment, realizing that everything else is make-believe; ideas about what is going to happen, what should happen, even was has happened fade away.
  5. Your ideas of self-importance dissolve in the recognition that you aren’t even a you; the whole gains importance — everything and everyone. You trust the paths of those who no longer trust you because what remains after everything falls away is awareness of the One Power which is the benevolent unfolding of all life.

Anything that creates separation (us and them), that allows judgement of others (right and wrong) and fosters blame (you have the power to do wrong) is not part of waking up, is not a spiritual awakening. It is a cult of ego.

If anything in these words resonates you are capable of walking away, of opening your mind and looking again. So many dear ones are being swept into the pull of separation consciousness unawares. It is tricky. It looks so inviting. It even feels right but if you step back, just one step, you will see it isn’t.

I love you. I care about you and all those hurts that have gone untended. You are loved. Let us rejoin the shattered pieces of our hearts and heal together.

Amaya Gayle Gregory