La-la land = our human life

In the dreamy la-la land known as our human life what proof does anyone have that they will not die and come back in another form and another and another? Isn’t this the real summary of human living? Doesn’t anyone feel bone- weary of this never ending dream?
There are compelling statistics that say that we humans learn our lesson about 5%. That’s 5% of us, 5% of the time who even approach a cessation of this mortal dream that is brought about by world mind hypnosis and is bought into by 99% of the population. People think they’re enlightened and they no longer buy into it but are they really? Try monitoring their thoughts moment by moment by moment. How much of the time do they spend really living in their immortal body?
That’s why I number myself among them and can only offer the fact that unlike most of them I realize that there is some real work to be done. It’s lovely to say everything is hunky-dory as long as hunky-dory is the rare, occasional high that you wish to experience for the next few 1000 years. Aren’t you finally getting fed up with it? What proof do you have that you have exited this dream? There’s way, way, way too much hunky-dory chatter and the making of individual little tiny problems of the little tiny human life the be-all and end-all of a person’s experience here! What in the world is wrong with trying to convince people that what their heart and soul are seeking is God? They can’t get where they need to be by simply following like a sheep. Everyone needs to do their own digging and searching and discovering and listening and meditating. It can’t be done by another person. Everyone has their own vehicle that will take them to where they really want to be if they’re fortunate enough to want to be where they are not at present.