This made me very happy today!

“May something beautiful inspire you today. May something powerful comfort you. May something true anchor you today” was the text of a beautiful meme scribed by Chuck Crisco. It gave me quite a boost, coupled with a desire to have it written on my very soul so that my further spiritual growth would start at this position and never slip back again.
You see, I had a brief flirtation with futurism when I first enlisted in social media. They were fine, loving people who wanted nothing more than to pluck me from that list of fence-sitters who more than likely would wind up in hell.
I got skeert coz I wasn’t sure what they were seeing! Whenever I posted my own “God is Love, Spirit, Life” they would jump down my throat like there was no tomorrow!
Their mantra was always to ‘rejoice’ because I wasn’t(?) going to hell like thousands, maybe millions, of others were. This thought never actually gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
But this morning I got a unique message that I think will keep me in that spiritual place that I crave: “You have got the prize: the awareness that I am IN you, I am AROUND you, I AM YOU !! . This is not a message that excludes anyone but includes everyone! It blesses all who my thoughts rest upon! And it blesses all who my thoughts don’t.
All of the above has made me very happy today!