Not in the Bible cc


Maybe you haven’t had that moment yet when you realize almost everything you have been taught is NOT in the Bible.

NOWHERE IN 33,000 Bible verses DOES IT SAY…

– one must believe in order to be born again

– believing in Jesus is required to go to heaven

– that Jesus’ “coming” was beyond the lifetime of those disciples

– that the whole bible is “inspired” (says in Gk, every scripture inspired by God is profitable, not that every scripture is inspired and was talking about the OT not whole Bible)

– that there were three wise men that visited Jesus or that they visited him in a manger as a new born baby.

– that pastors should lead churches (pastor is only listed once in Eph 4 as an “office” but not in a description of any leader)

– that women who get a divorce are committing adultery if they remarry (Jesus spoke of men who “put away” spouses which means to kick them out with no support, would cause them to commit adultery if they married another)

– that church buildings are holy

– that holiness is something one arrives at (be holy meant live from the fact they were already holy)

– spare the rod and spoil the child. (that is a saying not a verse)

– that the earth is 6000 years old

– the word “trinity”… it took about 300 years for that to develop as a theology.

– hell is a real place. (The word hell in English and its meaning from the middle ages are imposed over numerous GK words that don’t mean a place where God forever torments sinners).

– that the gospel was to be preached to the whole planet (it was sent to their “world” ie Jews and Gentile converts within the Roman Empire by the end of the Old Covenant Age… lo I am with you (those disciples) always, even to the end of the age..(AD70)).

– that God killed Jesus on the cross, or punished Jesus in our place or hid his face from Jesus (Not even Isaiah 53… it is not “It pleased the Lord to bruise him” but more accurately ““And the Lord decreed/willed [the] cleansing [of] him of his wound.“)

– the words “spiritual warfare” (Paul said they wrestled against principalities and powers which were governmental leaders and religious systems entrenched with dark spiritual principles, but the bible never uses the phrase spiritual warfare as a method of fighting city wide or personal demons)

– that transgender people are in sin (Jesus actually said eunuchs were welcome in the kingdom, even those “born that way” and went on to say “if you can receive it” ie prejudice was present then too. AND what he said contradicted the book of Leviticus which means you cannot use the OT against LGBT.)

– that there is a future judgement (every verse points to an event in their near future, AD70, not our future)

– that the lion will lay down with the lamb

– that money is the root of all evil.

– that demons/devils cause a person to act against his will (the man with a Legion ran TO the feet of Jesus).

– that women can’t be pastors (there are actually women deacons and apostles in the NT)

– that the wages of sin is death (it says the wages of THE SIN (a noun) is THE death which is singular and speaks of the sin of Adam, not us).

and on and on it goes

I am not interested in crushing your faith, just suggesting you shouldn’t be dogmatic about it. What we can learn to do is value the beauty of the verses on love demonstrated in the life of Jesus which are unparalleled in other literature.
Chuck Crisco