L E T ‘ S . R E – E X A M I N E . O U R . G O A L

People of a pseudo-psychological leaning tend to judge our best goal(s) in life to be what they deem obvious. If our goal, however, has precious little to do with a so-called healthy, happy, inscrutably ‘wise’ humanly human, maybe we need to unfollow our learned counterparts!

Let’s throw off our obsession with humanity’s baubles and flirtations and ponder life’s most urgent question: how are we demonstrating our eternal life now? Are we even aware of it. For the majority of inhabitants of this planet the prognosis is not good.

Disease and death are unknown in Spirit, God. What good is this knowledge if we don’t intimately realize it? If we’re oblivious of Life which is God, how in the world do we think we can experience it? What’s there to break the illusion of life in a dying body? You certainly don’t think death can be a great enlightener, do you?

At the risk of being repetitive, the only way to awareness is to wake up! Be hands-down willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Or, go back to sleep and we’ll talk again after a few hundred more years!
