Def: reincarnation

A good friend of [Capree Greene] put reincarnation into much better words for understanding than I did. She said, many think reincarnation is about previous lives, but reincarnation is about the ●●●mind evolution and ability to re-frame its understanding, which in turn ‘creates’ different sub realities of apparent ‘new life’. But these sub new existences never equal to fullness of life, hence the constant need of reincarnating to try another formulation that hopefully works better.■  When the whole process of re-incarnation begins (cycles of beliefs) we become the guinea pig of our mind… this is the human blood sacrifice Jesus came to end. Our DNA (foundational stone) knows better than our mind does using its own wisdom. That’s why we needed to go back into relationship with God the Father (Creator) so that we can use that wisdom.