Definitions of God coalescing – JSM

“Our definitions and concepts of God are evolving to such an extent that ideas which may have been considered mutually exclusive, or diametrically opposed to each other at one time, are coalescing within the Collective Consciousness into a cohesive Whole which can no longer be contained in any static theology. Eastern and Western beliefs about God are merging and simultaneously removing all fragmentation and division which would cause anyone to view God as some dysfunctional schizophrenic.

There is a nascent Consciousness emerging, wherein, the Divine is seen as both transcendent and immanent, impersonal and personal, Absolute and relative, AND YET beyond any restrictive definition which would limit The Infinite to a finite human understanding.

In essence, our thoughts concerning God are being recontextualized to embrace the Unlimited. For as we recognize the ONENESS of God, we must ultimately SEE the Oneness of ‘GOD WITH US’ and/or WITHIN US, and by extension, the connection we share with EVERYONE else.

As this profound Unitive Awareness rises like the Dawn of a New Day in our hearts, and we begin to experience this interconnected Oneness, we are simultaneously able to SEE that “God IS IN ALL THINGS”. We are becoming more aware of an “extraordinary ordinariness”. We are beginning to realize the miraculous in the mundane, the holy in the midst of the profane, the sacred within the secular, and the Infinite being perpetually revealed through the finite.”

-JSM (cc 2014/ edit 2018)
Joseph S Murawski