Silence – Isha Das

Small Practices Bring Great Love

As our spirituality deepens, our subtle practices become increasingly important. Surely, nothing is more important than approaching life from a spirit of silence. Such silence is not the absence of noise but a prayerful watchfulness and a childlike openness to what is. Silence is the choice to not take ourselves and our opinions so seriously. Silence is embracing a degree of solitude, which can be as simple as turning off the car radio, the television, the iPhone, and the news. Silence is talking less and listening more. Silence is letting go of our psychological defenses. Silence is making room for both discomfort and joy. Silence is remaining content with moments of emptiness. Silence is bowing to the truth, without the need for commentary. Silence is trusting the process of God’s providence. Silence is breathing with awareness from the depths of our souls. Silence is paying attention to that still small voice percolating within our interior depths. Silence is the place where we encounter ourselves and God. “Silence is,” as Yogananda tells us, “the altar of Spirit.”

Isha Das

Welcome, Silence.