Want enlightenment?

How badly do you want to experience the unadulterated realm of pure Spirit – permanently?
You know of course you won’t lose your ability to see all you want or need to see in the world any more than Jesus did!
But just how determined are you? Brutal honesty is a prerequisite! Abandoning the ego is a given. Expectation of a newness in life is helpful and an influx of light is a sign.
There’s nothing quite like the experience of enlightenment: it never leaves you where it found you. In fact it never leaves you at all!
If you’re a person who lives too much in the mind, there’s a slight ray of hope for you here. Use your well-trained mind to learn how to meditate without ceasing.
To get started, meditate as often and routinely as you possibly can. Then discover micro-mini meditations (a second or two) happening ALL THE TIME. Don’t hesitate to welcome them with a celebratory gesture. You’ve just arrived.
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