5 categories of negatives

Experiment time:
I’m going to ask you to do a thing
And then never do it again!
Here it is: Think a painfully negative thought.
Got it? Just think it for a moment and observe what it does to you. Your face, your tummy, everything.
Whoosh, was it worth it? I hope you’ll say No!!
Thoughts of a negative nature fit into one of five categories for me.
Did you know there’s another way, too, of “dealing” with them? Call it a Robinism but here goes:
Many years ago I was enjoying a social drink a little more than I deemed healthy. … I finally decided this way – for all intents and purposes I quit, but it wasn’t about suppressing or jamming myself up. I was able to revisit my decision and even revise it, but I had to do it formally. I had to take it upstairs and go over all the pros and cons in the cool refreshing Light of day. It was glorious! There were a few taps on the door but they were met and dismissed most lovingly.
Now, I’m giving these Five Negative Categories (more may be added) the same short shrift: “You wanna talk? Make an appointment! We’ll revisit the wisdom of allowing you entrance into my otherwise joyous, peaceful consciousness yet again!”

#drrobinstarbuck .com

p.s.: I’m well aware that challenges seem to “come” to us (which is a lie) from a source outside ourselves (another lie) but I believe the method of dealing with them, enumerated above, rises to the occasion of turning on the Light, so I’ll leave it as a “memory lane” testimony.