PP-Humanhood or Christhood


After a few days of Silence I feel in my ultimate element and was very much called to make a strong point about choosing Right and choosing Now. So, please, receive my next article with openness, as it is pouring from the One to the One, out of nothing but Love.

If we were truly honest, we would admit that we are aware of the changes that need to take place in our lives. Deep down in our Hearts we all know this. The Spirit is working in each and everyone of us. Perhaps It is trying to lift us up from our current work place or our current relationships, whether it is a marital one or simply friendships that are outgrown. It could also be as simple as an old habit or an old pattern needing to be left behind. We know that the change is inevitable and without which we could not get to the next level in our spiritual unfoldment.

We know this, but we are terrified nevertheless. Terrified because this would most likely bring on a family crises, turmoil unimaginable, conflict with family members, and possible unknown discomforts that we are just not willing to face. In fact we would avoid them at all cost.

Perhaps we’ve been turning up for work for say 10-20 years and suddenly things that never bothered us, now disturb us. We just don’t want to be there. We’d rather be at home, giving our time to deeper spiritual studies and to the Spirit, sitting in Silence and commune.
We hear the gentle whisper of the Spirit, Calling us, but we cannot even bear the thought of our world to fall apart for some unknown territory.
So…we quickly brush it off and justifying it by saying:

“Look at this little ‘me’, trying to measure progress, trying to convince me that I need to meditate longer, whereas I AM the Self, there is only the Self. Only the personal sense of self would want to improve itself”.

After deluding yourself by what you have just said, you achieve a temporary release from daily pressure that your current situation presents, but this temporary peace will not last long. Tomorrow you’ll face the same pressure again.
How long do you think you can keep applying a band aid on this and convince yourself that it is all fine to shut the voice of the “I”?
How long can you live with guilty conscience knowing you are compromising your integrity?

Yes it is True in the Absolute that You are the Self, and has always been this Self.
But have you realized it? Or you are merely reciting an intellectual acceptance.
Because I am telling you, had you realized the Self, even to a measure, you would not be talking like this. You would not compromise your integrity.
You would seriously look at all the fears that are stopping you from leaving the old behind, and would be open to the new, even if that means a temporary crises in the transitional process.

Just for the example, let us say that last week we agreed on our True Identity being the Divine Self. You said you had accepted your Divinity. I was so pleased to hear that. This week I am asking you:
Would you like this to be your last incarnation?
Without a doubt you are saying: Yes!

Wonderful! Now the Spirit is telling you:
“All right my Son, this will be your last incarnation. But before your Full Awakening can be sealed down, your would need to surrender your life to me, and every detail in it.
You see…I AM trying to show you another way. You need not suffer like this. I want to bring you Home fully, but in order for you to resurrect from your human sense of self, some deepening in your Consciousness needs to take place, and your current circumstances, with all the many hours you are putting into your work daily, is just not allowing that to happen.”

Or the Spirit might say:
“Holding on to this outworn relationships, is in fact holding you back. Let me show you another way. Abide in me and I shall abide in you. All of your needs will be met. Trust Me, follow Me. Leave your nets.

Your immediate response is:
“I cannot take that leap. I am not there yet. It’s too much uncertainty. Maybe in a few months I will be ready. Or perhaps I will need to come back for a few more lifetimes. I just can’t do this. It is not the right time. I am sorry Spirit.”
“I cannot leave this relationship. It is hard but at least I have a companion. I don’t want to be alone.”

What you have just said that God is on the field. You have just denied your Divinity. You have just declared that God does not exist. You don’t trust God to show you the way. You want to commit only when you see the way.
You have just reduced yourself to be a human and this is what you most likely have been doing for the past few incarnations.

You go through a painful childhood, suffer through the young adulthood years. Hopefully you are blessed enough to be drawn to spiritual study around the age of 20. This study provides you a bit of a relief from the bondage of humanhood and gives you a sense of purpose, something to live for. It is now clear to you that you want to attain Freedom and never again go through another painful life. You become a True devotee, spending the next 10-20-30 years in deep study and meditation. By now you are completely into the mystical teaching and yet again…you arrive to the point where the ultimate surrender is required for you to take.

So the Spirit appears at this auspicious moment. You are about to seal down everything you have ever put into your Consciousness. In this defining moment you are that close to cross over the other side of the bridge. And right in this moment for which you have waited 20-30, even 40 years in this incarnation, you become fearful, lose all your courage and say:

“I am not ready yet. I am not there yet.”

Now, let me ask you:
Which “I” are you referring to exactly?
I thought we had agreed last week that there is no “I”, but the One Divine Selfhood. The I AM that I AM. I thought we had agreed that you as a person don’t exist. It is but an image, a thought, that is all there is. And now..in this defining moment, you are choosing to identify with that which does not exist. In this moment you have just decided on your destiny. You have opted not to trust the Spirit but instead come back to yet another painful human experience.

What you are actually saying is this:
“Yes, I know it will be hard. Every day I will have to struggle and strife, but I choose suffering over God. I choose mortal life instead of immortal. I choose to be a human over the Divine, and the simple reason is because I cannot disappoint my family. I cannot disappoint my parents. I cannot disappoint my husband. He would divorce me. I cannot disappoint my wife. Hell would break loose if I quit my job. I am the bread earner in the family. They would call me the most irresponsible person on Earth. I may even lose my house as a result of that. Unless I continue to bring in this much money, I could not pay my mortgage. It would cost me my marriage, my relationship with my parents, the relationship with my children. I would be cast out and lose my prestige. I may even become homeless.
No! I cannot bear that. I am not ready for that.
Instead, each morning I use meditation to gather enough strength that will allow me to move through and survive the day. I have to keep functioning because if I don’t, I’ll break down. I must carry on for my family.”

Yes…this is what you do. Keep functioning each day, merely surviving the days. But you did not incarnate to be a survival human being! And as a human with which you have identified yourself is not powerful enough to be the provider for the family.
Humanly we have nothing and cannot do anything. It is the Father Within that doeth the work. It is the Father Within that provides for all things through us and as us.

You say you need more time. Let me tell you: the ego always needs more time. There is never a perfect time for letting the old behind and making room for the new to enter. But this has to happen. All the concepts, all the forms believed in, all have to fall away while the body is warm, while the heart is beating, or else there will be another come back, another life filled with suffering.

What will need to happen for you to show courage for once? To show Love for God, just for once? To not merely read spiritual literature but to really apply it. Not partially but fully!
Why? Because you are advanced enough to do so.
You are advanced enough to understand that you cannot be half human and half Divine. You either accept yourself to be the Divine or to be the human.
Even if a tiny bit of humanhood is retained, the Divine Life cannot take over. It is all or nothing at this point. And you are advanced enough to know this.

The ultimate surrender must take place. You must lose your life before you can have your True Life Realized. You must live in and from your Invisible Spiritual body and completely dis-identify with this form.

God cannot be sad for God is neutral. He has all of Eternity to wait for this Individualized Self of you and me to wake up fully.
But I will tell you this:
If God could be sad, this would be the moment for God to be sad. To see you being so diligent for so many years, yet…not having the audacity to take the ultimate step. Not having the courage to leave the old behind for good, and trust. Trust and know like never before.

What are you trying to keep together? All of it will be gone when you shed this body, anyways. Your family, your house, your car, your prestige, everything!
Please understand this! Unless you are willing to lose it all, you’ll never know Life Eternal. You will never be free.
You cannot lose anything for everything can be recreated. And after all, this whole human existence is but a dream.

Your mind is fabricating all kind of awful scenarios as what would happen if you really left your job. Or if you had left your spouse. Or your friend. Or if you got into a conflict with your child who does not approve of your actions.

Who are you choosing to serve? God or mammon? The Spirit or the human?
Will you praise God and glorify Him by the full acceptance of your Divinity, or you’ll continue to please humans, just for the sake of keeping some sort of a false peace?
You human sense of mind pictures all kind of hardships and dramas to come as a result of surrendering your life to the Spirit fully . Again…you picture only what you believe the Creator to be. For you He is a God calling you Home that cannot be trusted. You believe he would not provide for your needs and let His Child down.

Actually, God is no respecter of persons. You must provide the corresponding Vibrations. You must be aligned with Truth. Then and only then can God automatically fulfill your needs. This takes some conscious effort and some discipline. But not as much as battling the maintenance of your 3rd dimensional experience, like a branch, cut off the Source.

I have seen many advanced True Seekers over the years. And I have seen that when this ultimate step comes, they back off. They go back to indulge into a little more humanhood.
They may not admit this but they treat spiritual study as a means to an end, and this case the “end” is but coping with every day pressure and stress. Coping with family and work which they dislike doing as a living. And they will continue to go round and round in circles, because unless humanhood is surrendered and Divinity is fully accepted, there will be but a temporary relief and a come back into yet another life span.
They also declare:
“I am sorry, I am sad, but it is not time yet.”

Again…I would ask: please carefully examine, who is sad exactly?
The human? Because God cannot be sad. I AM Presence has no emotions.
So, what you are saying to me is:

“I have chosen to go back identifying with my human sense of self, and this false image that I have just identified with has emotions about my choice, and this little self feels sad right now.”

Can you see how comical that is? Quite absurd! A little self making a choice and then being sad about the choice it has made.

I know my words may sound harsh but I AM talking to this advanced group, and I really really want to make a strong point of this, out of my Love for the One. I do not want to see you suffer. No need for that. I do not want to see you come back into another incarnation.

I continue to hold the Vision for each and everyone of you here. There is absolutely no distance between us and the Truth. It only has to be accepted fully. If we truly accept it, we let go and trust to be guided by the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Omniscience Within.
I know that it is not only possible to make it but it is our destiny, and together we can do this.

I was tested severely many times in my spiritual walk.
My intention for Freedom in this life time has been so one pointed that when the defining moment came, whether I let it all go, or continue to maintain my existence with human effort, I collapsed at the feet of God. I said:

“Take it all. There is nothing and no one I want to retain. I am nothing and I have nothing.
I AM That I AM.”

And then…the Miracle comes.
The Miracle is always here, each and every moment for those, who have faith before they see the evidence.
It cannot be the other way around. One must be comfortable to walk in the Unknown, in the Uncertainty forever and ever. Knowing…that I AM Omniscience, I need not know anything humanly anymore.

This has to be like this…
And it is so beautiful, because one needs not think. One needs not plan. Everything is revealed with ease and Grace, as and when something needs to be known or acted upon.

I am fully committed to continue to offer support in any way I can. I have full confidence in everyone here and feeling very Thankful for God creating this platform where together we rise higher and higher into our True Being, each and every day.