Illusion of guilt creates scapegoats GR


The people who give me trouble —I want them to show up?
PURSAH: Make no mistake, you want them to be there, without exception. They’re your scapegoats. If you could just remember that fact the next time some apparently real flamer pushes your buttons, then you could hold your tongue, think with the Holy Spirit and change your mind. You want them to be there, all right. Always. You need it. That’s how you trick yourself into thinking you’re not guilty, or at least not terribly guilty, so you can cope most of the time —for the guilt is somewhere else. As long as you’re stuck in the maze, you can’t see that the whole thing is unnecessary, because you were never really guilty in the first place. The whole maze is an illusion to defend yourself against an illusion. Don’t forget —you believe you really are guilty on a much deeper level than you realize. You need your defense because the alternative is unthinkable to your ego —that you might actually look upon your own guilt —the horror of which is presently covered over by the world. The ego has you convinced that to look upon the hideousness of this guilt is the equivalent of death. To avoid the viciousness that goes along with the entire can of worms, you project it outward, forgetting that what goes around comes around —because it never really left in the first place: 
Who sees a brother as a body
sees him as fear’s symbol.
And he will attack, because
what he beholds is his own
fear external to himself, poised
to attack, and howling to unite
with him again. Mistake not the
intensity of rage projected fear
must spawn. It shrieks in wrath,
and claws the air in frantic hope
it can reach to its maker and
devour him. This do the body’s
eyes behold in one whom Heaven
cherishes, the angels love and
God created perfect.”
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe