God IS Spirit not matter

IF YOU HEAR GOD SPEAKING TO YOU WHEN YOU LISTEN CAREFULLY, that’s wonderful. You can bank on it. But what will you do when God tells you that there really isn’t a Being outside of you talking to you? None at all. So, who or what were you hearing?

You were hearing God in the best possible way you could: you never claimed you were hearing a voice. You were hearing/awakening to God, Spirit, in your Soul, heart.

As long as you need the camaraderie, caring, guidance and love of a Person you know of as God, He’ll be there for you. But gradually, as you ascend in your trust and understanding, you’ll come to know that He, She, It actually is pure Spirit – not matter at all.

You are at one with Father, God, yes. God is all. It’s really absolutely true. This is wonderful, wonderful news. You are all that God is. You have all that God has – and nothing else. The fact that God is omnipresent, omnipotent Spirit means that … guess what … you are too!