Now when you know that your thoughts create the illusion of an external material world, you will discover that the external, material world, only has power if you believe your thoughts. Then you can say, “God didn’t put cancer out there, therefore, my thoughts are putting it out there, my neighbor’s thoughts are putting it out there, and my neighbor’s neighbors thoughts are putting it out there, but it’s not out there, it’s in our thoughts. God is out there and nothing but God is out there. Only Divine Life is there, only Divine Form is there.” We’re living in the world of a false consciousness in which we think that our thoughts are real. Maybe you couldn’t defend against the cancer out there, but try defending against the cancer in your thought, and see how easier it is. Meet it at the level of your thought, not out there, and notice the difference. Meet every problem at the level of your thought, and not outside of your being, and notice, that when you take dominion over your thought, you’ve taken dominion over the problem.
~ Herb Fitch