Being still. HF

Now, you can spend an hour, just “being still,” without trying to think of a thing, and you will find that a great refreshment comes out of it.

So many of us try to spend that Silence thinking, pushing those words back and forth,
hoping that the words are going to open some doors. That’s not being still.

Who’s doing the thinking that you think you’re thinking? The serpent-mind. You’re playing right into the trap.

Being still means BEING STILL, free of the
thinking mind. That’s how you drive the wedge between the thinking mind and its false creation. And in that wedge comes through the Infinite Sea of Spirit, with REALITY.

Even to spend time in Silence, with no purpose other than to just BE refreshed, is a great liberating activity. You accomplish more by this kind of Silence than by all of the great thoughts that you may cram into your mind.

The Father does all the thinking. There’s nothing for you to think. Simply rest in
the knowledge that I, Here, is God, and I is the God that is God Everywhere. The God Everywhere is the God Here.

Just lie back on this Infinite Sea of Spirit, relaxed, abiding in I. That will break the chains of mortality, materialism, material conditions, mental conditions, emotional conditions.

The acceptance of I Here, There, and Everywhere. Only the 100% Divine Life IS. Let
all the cluttering serpent thoughts dissolve into that knowledge.

Herb Fitch – Beyond Words and Thoughts – 100% of God Everywhere