Mysticism and Soul Consciousness


The secret of the mystics of all ages, and the precise purpose of your human life, is to surrender your mind consciousness to your Soul, and your soul consciousness will take you the rest of the way into paradise. Either you climb the ladder of mysticism beyond mind consciousness or, as you know, you perish in mind consciousness. That is divine law, but it is also divine wisdom. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you.”

Now that Kingdom is the three levels of your consciousness above your mind. You don’t have to wait for that Kingdom. It isn’t going to return, it never went away. It’s right here because that Kingdom is you. Before your first human birthday, that Kingdom was you and it is you even now while your mind consciousness may be thinking of you as a physical form with a temporary life.

Let’s be still a moment. Let’s dwell in the truth that I am divine being now. And know yourself not as the world sees you, not as your friends see you, not as your children see you, not even as your parents see you, know yourself as God sees God, as divine life without opposite. This is the real nature of illumination or enlightenment.

Illumination is not what most people think it is. It’s not a flashing vision or even the voice of God coming to you maybe once every five or ten years. Illumination is awakening to the truth that you are not the form born in your mother’s womb. You are the divine life of God that always was, that is now and always will be, and that you are not confined in the fourth box called mind consciousness.

When you dedicate your waking hours to accepting your divine life as a now fact, not a future event, your soul buds will really open up. They will receive heavenly manna from your divine life. And the entire contents of the three heavens will flow through you, through your Soul, into your mind, and they will exchange your lifespan for your permanent life.

I’d like to repeat that idea in another way. Unless you accept divine life now as the truth of you and you strive to understand that human life is only a concept without substance, you will actually delay your attainment of soul consciousness and delay your rebirth.

Herb Fitch
The Mystical Tape Series
Revealing the Seven
Pronged Process
Transcribed from Tapes
Seminars 1978-79