Testing the Two Trees


I didn’t mean to test them out, I was just minding my own business when I began to feel my own robin-feathers getting ruffled. “How the h… long is it gonna take to have Verizon remove a superfluous add-on? Why is it always so d… hard to log in? How in the deuce can they blah blah blah blah?

Yo, Robin! Remember the two trees? Yeah yeah yeah I know – there’s only one. (I did NOT say “so what?” But the answer to “so what?” came promptly):

In the Third Dimension there seems to be a difficult (being polite) Verizon with infinite problems. In the Fourth Dimension there’s no Verizon, no frustrated customer – me, no me at all, just Spirit. Feeding the entire tree.

I choose door #2, The Tree of infinite, perfect, harmonious Life! Free-flowing, irritation-free, loving … Hello? Hello? Oh, it’s all taken care of, Verizon? Thank you VERY much!

This kind of demonstration happens to me a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e! And yet I’m always thrilled when I get these surprise God-kisses! This single incident is less than earth-shattering but remember I said “a-l-l t-h-e t-i-m-e!”

With love,