From gnawing havoc to Sabbath Rest RJS

You have an unwanted
don’t you? It’s that one condition, memory, person, incident that never quits pulling you back into separation and duality.
“It” gnaws at you whenever it can slip into your subconscious and wreak havoc on your otherwise pristine spiritual awareness.
You’ve got an impressive list of ‘facts’ that the other person(s) should know about and you can’t quite let it go: you’ve “got the goods on” your enemy and can eviscerate him any time …!
You’d be doing the world a huge favor, right?
But your conscience says “tread lightly” so you tread not at all….
Lies must be exposed!!!
Maybe so, but not by you.
Not now. Prolly not ever.
You’ve chosen God over “the goods”. You’ve made a good choice, now you must REST your case, leave the REST of the dilemma to the I that includes sweet REST for the heavy-laden and enter your loving Sabbath REST.
