Jim Newman • Vienna • Sept 2020

He pulls no punches!

Nothing needs to happen for seeking to end. There is no happening.

Position 40….It’s not that there’s a knowing or not knowing or an unknowing. That has nothing to do with it but the seeking seeking seeking not realizing that there is no end to all the seeking. It’s a dead end path. All that there is is this what you see right now. No there’s no accountability there’s nothing to strive for there is nothing to get there’s nothing I can give you or we can give you or you can strive for and eventually attain. there’s none of that. It’s like everything that you could possibly do to try to get enlightened, become aware, open your mind, anything at all, is futile because it goes nowhere. Round and round and round and round equals nowhere. So questioning oneself that’s called self enquiry goes nowhere. Studying books on Enlightenment takes you nowhere. Why? Because you’re already here! it’s this is it! And when you realize it, it’s like WOW!!! I Robin am remembering a lot of this from other episodes with Jim Newman and I just included it here – it’s pretty much what he always talks about. It’s pretty amazing if you wanna know the truth!