Access to God thru silence – JSG

The access to God is through spiritual discernment, and spiritual discernment is a faculty of the Soul, the spirit, which is within you. Therefore, since access to God must be through the Soul, it can only be through silence, stillness, quietness. Then, “In the moment that ye think not, the bridegroom cometh.” In the moment when you are not thinking, the spirit of God, the voice of God, the action of God can take place within you. We read the books with the mind and we hear the tapes with the mind, but only in order that the message itself may quiet and still the mind and convince you of the need for that quietness.
Remember that behind the mind, there stands you. Take that with the word “I.” Behind the mind stands me. I am behind the mind and I can think thoughts through the mind, or I can still the mind. Then, in the stillness, the Soul faculty is in action. It comes awake in you, it comes alive in you, and then through the power of discernment you can know that which is unknowable, see that which is unseeable, hear that which is inaudible. It is a state of grace attained through stillness. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Then be still and listen for the still small voice, the voice of God.
When you have thought about and pondered this daily for quite some time, you will understand what I believe is the greatest principle revealed in the message of The Infinite Way: “My conscious oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and idea.” We call this the practice of meditation, or contemplation. Contemplation is a step before meditation. In contemplation you agree that the mind must be still so that you can listen and receive impartations through your Soul faculties. In order to receive these impartations you must be one with the spirit of God in you, the consciousness of God in you, and you attain this oneness through stillness.
In the beginning it is possible that you can hold this stillness for only five to ten seconds but, as you continue the practice, you will find you can hold it for a minute and that is really enough. Later you will be able to hold it as long as you wish or as long as there is a need, but only a minute accomplishes your purpose which is conscious oneness or conscious union with God. The moment I attain that stillness I am receptive, and my inner ear is open. And the moment I make that contact I know it because of a deep breath or because of some other manifestation. The moment I am one with it, I am one with everyone on the spiritual path and I am one with all spiritual grace, spiritual law and spiritual life that is in the entire world. It is for this reason that you need “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.” It is for this reason that you need take no thought for the human aspect of your life.
When you go into this meditation, clear out all thought of how you shall be healed, enriched, or how you shall be at peace with your neighbors. Drop all of this, for it is as foolish to take thought for these things as it is foolish afterward to give thanks for the new health or the new supply or the new business or the new friends. There is only one thing to be grateful for–that you have received the spirit of God. The palaces and the yachts can disappear as quickly as they came. By taking no thought for things and by centering your whole attention on this oneness with your source, what happens to the world of things makes no difference because even the lost years of the locust will be restored.

J. S. Goldsmith: Consciousness Transformed. Silence; Stillness; Quietness!; Kindle location: 5617-5644