God as mother, sometimes father. JSG

Conscious Union with God

Chapter 1: The Basis of Spiritual Healing

Pages 16-17

Spiritual healing is brought about through the realization of the Christ in individual consciousness. God, the individual Consciousness of this universe, is the one and only consciousness. However, since God is the consciousness of me and God is the consciousness of you – and, because there is only this one consciousness – truth becomes effective in the consciousness of anyone who tunes in to it. Therefore, any truth that reveals itself within our consciousness instantaneously reveals itself to the person appearing as our patient. Sometimes, people who are not associated with us in any way, either as friends, relatives, students, or patients – someone in a hospital or a prison, someone on a desert island, someone who is reaching out for help to his highest concept of God – may be healed, even though they do not know us and we do not know them; or, even if they do know us, they may not know that we are on this path and, therefore, would not know why they were healed.

There is only one Life, one Consciousness, one Soul; but, that One is the consciousness of you and the consciousness of me. That is why we do not have to try to reach anyone. When we are in this conscious oneness, we become so much a part of one another that what one is thinking about Truth, or God, the other is hearing. But, no transference of thought is involved and should not be so construed. We are not one in our humanhood. We are one in the Christ. And, all that is being imparted is the divine idea flowing in consciousness. For that reason, those who are aware of the principle of one power need never be concerned about suffering from other people’s thoughts. All the suffering on earth, regardless of its form or nature, is a product of the universal belief in two powers; and, therefore, universal harmony will only be restored when God is revealed as Omnipotence. There is only one mind. And, that mind is the instrument of the one Spirit, or God. Human thinking, which is the product of a mind unaware of its proper function as an instrument of God, never rises higher than the person in whose mind it is taking place. For example, if someone were sitting here repeating, “Two times two is five,” our own mathematical sense would be a protection to us. And, we would not accept that incorrect statement. He might say, “You are dead!” But, our own sense of life would be a protection. And, we would not be troubled by such erroneous thinking. In some forms of mental practice, experiments have been conducted which prove that an individual cannot be induced to do

anything which violates his own integrity unless it is by his own conscious choice. No amount of human thinking, consciously directed at a person, can ever make anyone violate his own integrity. And, therefore, when anyone does wrong, it is because he himself is consciously violating his own sense of right. It all lies within one’s own being.