Live on a higher plane of consciousness. JSG

What must we do to keep ourselves free of these suggestions, so that we can live above them? First, we must live on a higher plane of consciousness. So far as possible, we must train ourselves mentally to know that anything that exists in the realm of effect is not cause, is not creative, and has no power over us.

This brings up the important metaphysical point that I am the law, I am Truth, I am Life eternal. Since I am infinite consciousness, since I am the law, then nothing in the external can act upon me and be a law unto me. There is nothing from which we can ever suffer but the acceptance of illusion as Reality.

These things called sin and disease are not what we are suffering from, they are the forms the one error assumes. Regardless of the name you use, they are hypnotism, suggestion, illusion, appearing as person, place or thing—appearing as sin, disease, lack and limitation.

We must not live as though we were effect with something operating upon us. Let us remember to live as the law, as the Principle of our being.

Joel S. Goldsmith
Collected Essays, page 6