Not responsible

N O T . R E S P O N S I B L E — JSG
Good morning…I had two wonderful unfoldments this morning, that was at four or five o’clock, and both of them are going to be helpful to you, more especially those who in some way have the responsibility of practice.
The first one was that I had been carrying a load of responsibility, almost you might say as if God’s work were my responsibility and I was responsible for seeing that it came through well. Now it isn’t something you do voluntarily or consciously, it‘s something that creeps up on you with anxiety in your work, and all of a sudden the unfoldment came: God is responsible for Its activity, you just be the vehicle, the instrument, and drop that responsibility for its success, and that took a big load off my shoulders.
1953 Second New York Practitioner Class
Joel S. Goldsmith
56A – Teaching and Healing From the Soul