Turn from matter & “I” is the way JSG

“ ‘ Wither shall I go from thy spirit?’ Here where I am, God is, and I need only turn from material edifices, material kingdoms, and retire within to the spiritual edifice, the temple not made with hands, to My kingdom, the spiritual kingdom, and there, within the temple of my own being, within this invisible, spiritual sanctuary which my consciousness is, I can hear the voice of God. There I can bear witness as It utters Its voice. I can hear the still small voice, and I can watch the earth of error — sin, disease, lack, limitation — crumble as this voice says, ‘Be not afraid, it is I. Fear not, I with thee.’ “

Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Chapter 4
Entering The Inner Sanctuary


“I is the way. The presence of I in you is really the way.”

Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Prayer Becomes An Inner Communion