MEMES – 24

Cling aright!

When you catch yourself lost in the junk again …
And u turn immediately to I-Spirit…
Remember to turn COMPLETELY

When you catch a glimpse of the nothingness of matter you’ll soar like an eagle in the 4th dimension!
You’ll never have to return.

The more you stay in ” I ”
the higher you’ll soar.
U’ll see right thru stuff that was standing in ur way.
Others, sadly, will not

Never make mistake of trying to convince urself ur happy by acting happy & acting spiritual.
Go further into Spirit &

Have you stepped fully into ur new man?
Or are u still dragging ur feet?
Still trying to resolve things in Reality never happened?

to this realm
the more you’ll stay in it with all its deception & hypnotic illusion
Choose realm of Spirit, God

Why oh why do so many ppl spend so much time denying the negative?
Tell us what’s really true instead & let’s all focus on Truth!

Where your consciousness is there will your body be also.
In TIME we’re in material consciousness, but not so in
NOW-NESS of God!

I understand how difficult it is to challenge the very existence of matter but you can find a ton of evidence in quantum physics.

Could we try taking first step out of matter together right now?
Imagine everything you thought was solid, real, dying is not so..

Who is running your life
I or me ?
When I takes over wonderful things begin to happen!
Blockages are loosened & ur much happier!

I just realized I have no past, no future…that I have no beginning nor end😦
that I live here and now…finito😀
Winnie Judith

Mankind is living in a false sense of living in matter, living in time, oblivious of the amazing kingdom of God already fully here

●What is ” I ” ?
Spirit, God, true Self, immortal, Divine Mind
●What is “me”?
Flesh, mortal, selfish, feelings, dying, world mind

I in the midst of u am mighty.
I Christ am above all materialism
I Spirit am your true identity
I don’t know pride, sickness, fear

You must go beyond what ur human mind already knows – beyond what it is capable of!
Spirit, God, is the very Substance of ur being

Where there seemed to have been a beginning
I AM was there. Where there seems to be ending
I AM is there.

BABYLON (the world) IS FALLEN !
z-z-z-z Sleep on! 2000 yrs ago til now!
It’s all self-interest
We still look through glass darkly

#JustaQuestion WHAT IF ..
” I ” took over – what happens to “me”?
> Wait for it! < "Me" doesn't exist! No struggle to die to "me" Among: .. ●meditate ●silence ●commune ●pray ●treatment ●listen ●tongues ●ponder THE ALL-CONCLUSIVE ONE 4me is PACE-PRAY(aloud) Think you ●that 'multiple universes' is less tenable than only one? ●that a solid body can't pass thru walls? ●that Spirit isn't? The Entire History of Humankind is But a Record of Dreams. #AWAKEN BABYLONIAN DREAMER !! #SpiritualUniverse #NoDualism ARE YOU LIVING IN CREATION OR RE-CREATION? God did not create physical universe of time, space and all the penalties of flesh :p To reach the level of spiritual awareness u crave is a discipline Living in Christ consciousness I S living the eternal life BEING AT ONE WITH SPIRIT has a wonderful effect on others as they do likewise. This in turn brings on healing & restoration. "Timeless Now" is tantamount to the nonexistence of now! Let your soul become aware of indescribable loving intimacy of ONENESS ♤ Every quality we require to live in the kingdom of God, S - P - I - R - I - T is right HERE !! Let yourSELF go you'll see. "I" is It's good to act in accord with the very S P I R I T that you long to be... coz that's exactly what you are! 😀 b it & u c it ! 😀 Some people cannot even think negatively nor can they judge one another. They are like river of water sending out love to everyone 😀 Don't be afraid to radiate that love & joy that are who and what you - in totality - are! ALL that the Father has is yours. 😀 NO MORTAL THOUGHT He shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of throne of God & of the Lamb ~~~ ARISE !! Today I wish to exude invisible sunshine on everyone who comes to mind, seeing them for what they R E A L L Y . A R E ! Are u a little shy? A lil self-conscious? Think u don't have what it takes to brighten another's day? NONSENSE ! We need ur love! Have you ever felt a little blue when a total stranger acknowledged your Presence with a big smile that melted the clouds away? 😀 And God said “Love Your Enemy,” and I obeyed him and loved myself. . ~Kahlil Gibran❤️ WHAT IF your level of spiritual understanding & commitment were in direct proportion to ur opinion of th person u like th least? Q: After a lengthy prayerful communing with Spirit, how long can I go until I need to do it again? A: Until first sign of slipping The reality of your being is immortality now! FORM <=> LIFE
Wherever Divine Life is I am.
#ThisChangesEverything!!! #AWAKEN

I and the Father are
There is no capacity for pain, fear, lack, disease, death.
I am immortal, pure life where form appears.

Because they divide, alienate, separate & establish ‘holier than thou’ religious attitudes.

There are some things you’ve just got to do alone like fully discovering ur spiritual body
It’ll take serious meditation regularly

If it hasn’t happened yet … wait for it! – You’ll be doing things that “can’t be done”!!!
It’ll lift you