MEMES – 43 ■

Had to make an effort to find out there was no need for effort!

when world mind spits out its venomous hypnotic suggestions about
reverse it emphatically 😀

Are you willing to go the distance, stop looking for short fixes and focus like your life depends on it?
THEN you’re ready for an extraordinary surprise!

Another trick of the world mind is a wordless, thoughtless
Suddenly you feel bad about … about … Oh you’ll find something :p

in the human mind..
[God is Divine Mind] God is our mind. #ThisChangesEverything!!! #NoDUALISM

That which is not a belief in you has no way of externalizing as ur experience.
Ur mind is Christed as u live in “I”-CONSCIOUSNESS

Methinks our greatest weakness is evidenced when we curse the vehicle that brought us to our present enlightenment & kept us here.

Joel said he’d be available on both sides of the veil.
Didn’t Jesus assure us exactly the same?
See beyond form to the deathless life of all.

We all must fully realize the nature of God in its multifarious facets.
All consciousness that ever lived is available to us now

When human consciousness is gone there cannot be a human body even when appears to be one.
“I”-consciousness am your self &Teacher

While God-realization fills your mind, human belief is not there and cannot work its reign of subliminal terror within you.
With human belief absent, human experience

I am the one and only Divine Consciousness.
I have let go of the mind and its beliefs & its desire to understand.

Sometimes a healing (miracle) happens in ur life that is so fresh & so personal u know u need to protect it, at least for now

When you have God-realization you cannot have human belief.
When you have human belief u cannot have God-realization.

An amazing thought to ponder deeply: in Spirit all is perfect BUT in the human realm WE have invited (created) every person & scenario WE needed to get us here!

I AM . I S
<3 <3 <3 <3 L ♡ V E I find it so shocking that people can't seem to realize others are AFTER SAME GOAL but going about it little differently :p 😛 😛 I recently wrote of the futility of trying to understand Spirit through the human mind Hey that's what I've been trying to do! :p What're we supposed to do when we've found something so precious that it could save anyone years & years of heartache? Teach it? ♤ The SUBSTANCE of which u are made I S the SUBSTANCE of God. Of course this is entirely spiritual, but Spirit is WHAT WE ARE ¤ If you want to put a very serious issue "in God's hands" TRY GOING DEEPER. See that God and the universe are entirely spiritual. ◇ We literally do not have to tell the Divine Mind anything. Hasn't it always seemed a little preposterous to want to inform the omniscient Mind of anything? As you seek Spirit, Substance, Self, Christ, Source (all one & same) you'll find the outer needs already supplied. Surrendering the 3rd dimensional personal self becomes your greatest joy! Some may wish I were a bit more flexible and yielding but my goodness I have something unspeakably precious to offer which doesn't lend itself to compromise! <3 <3 <3 I desire to glorify the Spirit of God which is a living presence. And I'm elated to be 'sacrificing' all that is unreal. #RADICAL "Sure glad I don't have his problem" Have u ever thought or said that? Don't! Say instead "Sure glad he doesn't have that problem coz it doesn't exist (in Spirit)." ☆ The time to exercise the Christ Consciousness is when you're having a problem as that will prove whether it's there or not. ☆ In the 4th dimension with your thought so far above the world mind, live in absolute protection from the dualities of humanhood. HOW WILL I KNOW if I'm on track? Things will start coming together mentally, physically, emotionally & most of all spiritually. Not everyone will appreciate who you are becoming. Don't let that stop you from being who you were meant to be. . Rosemary Schwartz THOU SHALT NOT KILL. = You cannot kill. = There is no matter. = Spirit cannot die. . There's a huge difference between a statement of Truth and an experience of Truth. Repeating statements doesn't have any power . Got an old memory - maybe a ton of 'em - keeps haunting you? O B S E S S I O N There is not and never was any such event in Spirit U think enlightenment as way of living is preposterous? But just starting to hear e'nuf to pique your interest? INEFFABLE JOY !!! A LITTLE EFFORT WAS NEEDED to do what had to be done to ready myself to go into the Stillness only to find NO EFFORT IS NEEDED. DON'T LET ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING PULL YOU BACK DOWN WHERE YOU DON'T WANT 2B !! You've been making a supreme effort.. HASN'T ANYBODY ELSE WITNESSED THE ASTONISHING SIMILARITIES BETWEEN QUANTUM PHYSICS AND DEPARTING THE WORLD OF TYRANNY OF MATTER? Very powerful MEDITATIONS today! All junk was silenced but Holy Spirit was very gabby! Absolutely PERFECT FOCUS !! Several 5-6min We have never made more than one mistake: not knowing what the problem really is, we make the same mistake again and again & again #JustaQuestion WHAT IF the thing that you think you don't want were exactly what you DO want and what is giving you so much grief? Is there any doubt that WE CHERISH OUR ILLUSIONS, NO MATTER THE SUFFERING ? If you're not healing, you're not giving up enough of your illusions. Period.