When God is living in you … and through you … and as you … well, Life just can’t get much sweeter than that!

Have you ever
In your whole life
Been able to focus completely on Christ
And seen error at the same moment? It can’t happen!!! :p

It’s done! … You’re here! … You’ve found your way … At last! … You are set free! …Free to be all …You ever dreamed of!

That’s all – a question:
What if you, like Paul, had a thorn in your side

on negative posts.
Pray from a position of power. WHAT GOOD ARE YOU if they pull you down

There is no place where I leave off and Father begins: “I (and) Father are One.
We are two ends of one activity.

God is the very life of my being.
One moment it seems that all is in chaos, next moment God fills #Consciousness and all is well.

Healing From Your Spiritual Body: Herb Fitch recounts a healing of AIDS.
You must be in ur invisible spiritual body to be of help.

Close your eyes tightly and you’ll see that’s where you always were.

Refuse to be the least bit impressed by anything good or bad the material body or human mind has to say.

Think about Spirit. Now become aware of who/what is doing the thinking.
Let’s call that being ‘I’.
So, you are ‘I’ and so is God.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ G O D … I S . ‘
‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

“Much education consists in the instilling of unfounded dogmas in place of a spirit of inquiry.”
(Bertrand Russell)

PUNCTUATION BLUNDERS ruin the flow of meaning in sentences.
A semicolon [ ; ] like a period = a full Stop.
A comma [ , ] Cuts too

Try this: Every issue is not a material but a spiritual issue.

To resist evil is a natural human instinct but we must rise above natural instincts and be consciously aware of the allness of God

God is the only creator, so who brought pain of any kind?
Pain is evidence of ignorance of Truth.
Problems cause us to awaken.

I’m letting the Father paint my life.
Only God’s love is the present power of the universe.
I need no other power
Rest in infinity

Are you interested in God?
Or God-power?
The latter cannot be had without the former! :p

R u dealing w issues fm a bottom-up approach (as if they & world were all powerful) or top-down w no bottom coz God is all?

<\\\>< THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE IS 100% AN IMITATION OF THE SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE OF GOD . <"///>< Come face to face with the fact that our own mind is a liar about God. Our own mind is an accomplice to the false creation #AWAKEN REST IN WHO YOU ARE AND WHO GOD IS . WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE !! OUR OWN MIND IS THE ILLEGITIMATE FATHER OF EVERY BURDEN WE CARRY !! THERE IS ONLY ONE MIND, GOD !! #DEHYPNOTIZE The child was caught up unto the throne = once you come into awareness you are under Divine Law alone True of Christ in all of us Once you have accepted Christ identity, the world no longer has power over you. Your embryonic Christ identity in you is expanding R e l i g i o n is what happens when . the . Spirit has left the building Here's a great 10-Second exercise you can do many many times throughout the day: Know emphatically "SPIRIT IS EVERYWHERE !!" ●●● "Spirit, God, good, Perfection, Love, Life, All-power, All-knowing, Truth, Immortality is absolutely everywhere INSTEAD of the seeming. Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick = Ten Seconds again and again throughout the day. You won't recognize yourself after awhile!!! :p Because Spirit is everywhere, spiritual Power Is everywhere! For Ten Seconds again & again throughout the day! I can relax & trust In the perfect kingdom of God nothing is ever missing or wrong, nothing is ever tentative. This perfect kingdom is here right now! The longer ur consciousness is buried in material universe the longer you'll flounder :'( But when u reclaim ur consciousness :D Teach that mind (of yours) God and His kingdom are all that are here now. Ur invisible consciousness of Truth is ur miracle-worker How many things are you concerned about that God knows nothing about? If God can't know it, neither can we (in spiritual reality). D O M I N I O N is possible as we allow the Mind of Christ to take over and literally replace our human mind. #NoDualism I N I T I A T I O N is taking you to the mountaintop by teaching you to come into ur real mind. Discords pressure u as with Moses. God's been talking to 'me' big time today: "Nope! Nope! Nope! Impending miracles CANNOT be outlined: they're ALWAYS a surprise!" A more advanced spiritual truth: if God can't cause a problem THERE IS NO REASON FOR IT and no validity in it #ThisCanHealYou Be very gentle with hurting people. Be very, very gentle. When you think you understand a little, BE EVEN MORE GENTLE !! The kingdom of God is within us now. #AWAKEN to this glorious ever-present Truth. Jesus, His kingdom, before Abraham was, is here. You don't express divine qualities: God, divinity, expresses you! There's absolutely no difference between you & What You Express. SPIRITUAL REST You have come so very far in your spiritual awareness. Don't let a human sense of 'rest' slip in: you need no human 'rest', but spiritual vigilance, keen awareness, which surpasses the sublimest so-called rest that the body ever knew!