Dimensions by Kari! -rjs

Dimensions aren’t places, but are actually levels of consciousness that vibrate at different rates. We’ve been living in the 3rd dimension for a long, long, long time. The 3rd dimension is a very restricting and limiting dimension. Some of you may have felt something similar to this; for years I have felt like I was a caged bird and I felt like I couldn’t move past the boundaries of that cage and just fly. If you felt that too, it’s because we were never meant to be put in such a restricted controlling dimension.

The 3rd dimension is based on rigid beliefs and lots of rules. There is a strong belief in duality, fear and judgement. Thankfully, we are in the process of breaking totally free of this restrictive dimension.

We are journeying through the 4th dimension now, on our way to the 5th dimension. Many of us sense this lighter and much wider and open space. We’re understanding that the past no longer has a hold on us, nor does the future, and we’re getting an understanding of what it means to be and live in the present moment. We’re also experiencing a much deeper understanding of Love, acceptance and gratitude, and through this we’re transitioning to the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is known as ‘The Dimension of Love’ and that’s why there’s been such an emphasis on clearing our heart center, and centering ourselves in our hearts. We’ve also been seeing the things from our past that are hindering our transition to the 5th dimension such as anger, shame, fear, guilt… cannot go with us into the 5th dimension.

Right now, we are watching the whole structure of earth crumble before our very eyes. It will no longer be business as usual, because we are the new earth and it’s emerging through us. It will be a whole new reality. A reality free from control, chaos, hatred, division, confusion, conditioning… and most importantly duality. There will be no duality in the 5th dimension, because all things are then integrated as ONE.

Do you ever think about how differently we think about things than we did even just yesterday? That’s how fast we are evolving, and ascending. We’re not the same person we were a week ago. Whatever would seek to weigh us down is falling away now at record speed. Beings from other dimensions are assisting us as never before. This is an unprecedented time where Light and Energy are flooding our planet which assist us in releasing old programs and patterns and conditioning and wounds.

What a time to be alive. We have longed for this for thousands of years.

I read a small book a while back by Vidya Frazier; “Awakening to the Fifth Dimension.” Some of this info came from when I read her book. 💞

~Kari Carwile

Addendum: I forgot to include this in my original post. In the 5th dimension there is no lack of anything good. We manifest instantly. That’s truly what it means to live in The Kingdom. ❤️ KC