Your questions are not real -Mooji

I want you to address my concerns
but you avoid them. Why? Are they
not spiritual enough?

“Since you are bold and persistent, I
shall be equally bold: Your questions
are not real. My answers are not real.
The world as you perceive it is not real.
War and peace, selfish and deluded
projections of aggressive-natured beings,
are equally unreal. Aspirations are unreal.
Solutions based in egoic identity are
unreal. Nature perceived as separate from
one’s self, unreal. I also, as an autonomous
entity, am unreal. You – equally unreal. Life
itself, as is fashioned inside the human
psyche is unreal. Death too, as is imagined
based upon the ill-conceived notion that we
are merely our bodies and personalities, is
unreal. All is illusion – unreal. The Self,
timeless and spaceless, immutable,
beyond all qualities, alone is real. You
must look within to find and confirm this
for yourself. Until and unless you do,
your comprehension of the world is
based on very shaky ground; a
ground of naive assumptions and
second-hand knowledge.”
