Long past time we discover – Frank Johnson

The pursuit of truth will require a change in our life. It may help to take notice of the example of Jesus, remembering that he spent 30 years in preparation before he began is public ministry. It helps to drop all assumptions; in other words, don’t assume that Jesus was on some divine fast-track. Jesus spent countless hours in silent prayer before he went public. Does it take 30 years? No. What we are seeking can happen in an instant.

There is no singular path to truth; but, the introspection necessary will assuredly require the prayerful courage to step out of our religious doctrinal box. You are not looking to affirm your beliefs, you are looking to discover, to experience and realize the truth for yourself. In the past, you simply believed. Now the question becomes “Who am I”? Jesus knew who he was… it’s long past time that we discover that same reality for ourselves.
~Frank Johnson