JUST DO IT, All 10 Nisargadatta Episodes are listed earlier but this one is especially good -NM

It’s about healing and is very much in keeping with Joel. Also Rupert’s be aware of being aware came from this talk of Nisargadatta. It’s absolutely critical that we stop the thinking thinking thinking thinking! This impedes our being aware of the fact that we are not that person who we are aware of. we are not Flesh and blood material mortals. We are the only self that there is. This self is God. This wasn’t quoting him per se but it was alluded to very strongly and wonderfully! We can get the mind to quiet down and stop the thinking by observing the thoughts without any interest in them whatsoever. After a while they will give up and we will be free. Remember the world including the body can’t give us any pain suffering or even good things, that is, anything at all. The world can’t deliver that to us if we are not there. That is the key – to not be there!!!

“I Am is in the world but it is the key that can open the door out of the world.”