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Those who have a firm belief in God do not struggle with the idea of the existence of other dimensions. The existence of God, and hence the existence of extra-dimensionality, explains the relationship between the sustaining Word of God and the vibrating strings of energy that some physicists believe constitute the “material”universe. That is why some theologians find string theory highly attractive. It substantiates something which is the very currency of biblical revelation. If string theory is correct, God sustains the entire physical universe by vibrating the very strings of energy that He created by the word of His power. If the strings were to stop vibrating the entire universe would collapse because these strings of vibrating energy are the building blocks of sub-atomic particles and sub-atomic particles are the building blocks of matter. The one thing that string theorists never discuss is what causes the strings to vibrate! Why would a string just continue to vibrate forever unless it was being energized externally from another source of energy? This is one of the mysteries that emerge from string theory, but it is powerfully addressed by the revelation of the sustaining voice of God.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

After some reading of physics, quantum mechanics, and string theory, I actually began to think of God as the Pan-dimensional Infinity. However many dimensions there may be, God’s the master of all of them.
Jeff Maxwell