Eternity’s sunrise

(Dr.RJ Starbuck)
How often do you ponder the concept of eternity, and for how long? Doesn’t it boggle your mind a bit to try to fathom infinity with no time constraints whatsoever?
…. Time is of your own making,
…. Its clock ticks in your head,
…. The moment you stop thought,
…. Time too stops dead.
………. (Silesius, 17th cent)

Can you imagine being non-local? Jesus was at times. Always at one with his Father, God, Jesus could place himself wherever he needed to be while Abba, reclining, …
“the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place.”
Isaiah 57:15 NIV.
While God transcends the temporal realm, the quantum world flips back and forth between our time-ridden existence and that of eternity. Silesius concludes our conundrum:
…. Do not compute eternity,
…. As light year after year,
…. One step across that line called Time,
…. Eternity is here.

He who can  kiss the joy  as it flies lives in eternity's sunrise.
He who can kiss the joy as it flies
lives in eternity’s sunrise.