Supernatural intervention and spontaneous acts of creation

There is no question on God’s green earth that the supernatural realm(s) – of extra-dimensionality are the domain of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Father God and His manifestation in us, the yet virtually untapped Holy Spirit.

Phil Mason confesses himself to us: “As a servant of Christ with a wealth of experience in the supernatural, I have concluded that the non-local world of quantum mechanics represents a divinely created “buffer zone” between heaven and earth.”

Mason continues, “The strange world of the quantum exhibits attributes that form a bridge between the supernatural world and the natural world. I have come to the study of the quantum world with an unwavering conviction of the reality of a supernatural God. I do not believe that the quantum world is itself supernatural, but it has definite features and qualities that permit supernatural intervention and spontaneous acts of creation.”
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

spontaneous acts of creation
spontaneous acts of creation