The Right Answers

When we find ourselves involved in a controversial topic of some importance, we need to make sure that we are representing the One Who will make the entire undertaking a divinely productive one: after all we’re dealing with things of the spirit, n’est pas? For example, I am a firm believer in the fact that Jesus’ work is completely done, so it would be futile for me to beg him to have mercy on me and send me his favor when it’s already been done. And yet, I have no qualms about praying the prayer of desperation when I need an immediate answer: “Jesus help!” The way tends to open up and answers tend to flood in. WE HAVE GOT TO REMEMBER THAT WE’RE DEALING WITH THINGS OF THE SPIRIT. Our anointed nature must surely kick in and we are fully equipped to address such seemingly contradictory issues as:
(A) Doesn’t God want one thing and one thing only: that we believe on him?
(B) What about the billions of people who are not capable of knowing God, due to geography, religion, education, financial status?
We absolutely must turn to the mind of God to reveal to us what He wants us to know. I know the human answers to both questions but now I want to know what God has implanted in my heart that I haven’t been able to pull up yet.