The “we” that followed Jesus were in 70AD – MS

Christians say that “we” are “sinners” in Romans 3 and that “we” need to be saved by grace in Ephesians 2.

But let’s just use basic common sense and context.

Who is the “WE” ?? Paul is a Jew writing to the Jews and Greek proselytes who were under the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant was given by Moses. Jesus said that not one bit of the Law would pass away until heaven/earth passed away in Matthew 5. We know from Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and several other passages that the heaven/earth is the law – the old covenant itself – that passed away when the Temple and Jerusalem was destroyed in their generation !! Jesus said that they had to fulfill the law (Matthew 5). So did Paul in Romans 13. So did James in James 2. Those under the Old Covenant had to fulfill the Law by faith in Christ – they had to receive the Holy Spirit and be empowered to fulfill the law – by following Jesus. Something that most Christians today do not follow. Following Jesus was to sell all possessions (Luke 12), forsake family, jobs, lands (Luke 14), NOT TAKE ANY MONEY (Matthew 10:9), radically obey the ten commandments (Matthew 5), to forgive and love enemies (Matt 6), to turn the other cheek, to love and bless those who cursed them —> This was the supernatural faith of the Bible – which the 1st Century people obeyed. The entire New Testament was written to the people under the Old Covenant. God was making a New Testament with THEM !! Not us !! We were never under the Old covenant to begin with !! The New Covenant was made with those under the Old….the 2nd coming happened to those who saw the 1st coming.

We were never in the picture at all.
The judgment Day and 2nd coming of Christ happened in 70AD just as the ENTIRE NEW TESTAMENT prophesied.

All of Scripture was written by Jews to those under the law. It was not written to us. Want proof? Christianity today looks nothing like the 1st century church – nobody follows Jesus, there are 41000 divided denominations. God is not the author of confusion. Man gladly does through religion. True Christianity ended in 70AD. We live in the new humanity – the new world, where sin has been eradicated because Jesus took away the law. Jesus completely reversed the work of Adam’s fall.

YOU WERE BORN RIGHTEOUS….without sin….without needing any faith. You are PERFECT from birth !
~Mathew Simon