Illusions, Illusions, Illusions! -rjs

When we ponder the world
and all its titillating eccentricities,
replete with heartache and pain,
wistfully wondering what Spirit
might be like …,
immortal Milton depicted it
as a great white light –
could it really inspire such
abject boredom?
It behooves us to pass “Go”
and head directly for
The Fifth Dimension itself.
When? Where? How?
Now. Here. Focus.
It’s hard to imagine
in our puny pea-brains
just how exquisite, wonderful,
delicious, thrilling, altogether
lovely and loving
This realm of spiritual sublimity
really is.
But how can we know with those
tiny fallible minds of ours?
We Can Not.
Therein lies the key:
the realm of pure Spirit is entirely spiritual.
And the onus is upon us alone
to adjust our receptors and
make way for a whole new way
of perceiving.

Aren’t there things you know but don’t live in accord with? Don’t you sometimes feel like a bloomin’ hypocrite? But what’re ya gonna do? Lol.

Just don’t let your thoughts smooth everything out. A Balance between matter and Spirit is really bad news. It’s terribly deceptive because, were there not a balance, it might not have seemed so tenable. Striking a balance between the two implies that you are certainly not entirely Spirit, and if you’re not entirely Spirit then you are entirely matter. At least that’s what is in the back of your mind.

There is a much better way and that is to know and understand you are entirely Spirit. Whatever you might see or feel in the world is Illusion. The fact that the entire world is sharing that illusion is precisely why you’re seeing it and you’re living and functioning in it.

The good news is you don’t have to subscribe to it. You can see absolute truth exactly as it is, where you are 100% Spirit, the soul of God, the Christ of God, the very being of God – and you know it very clearly and distinctly. You have no doubt whatsoever. Then the illusion that you share with other people – the rest of the world – you happen to know is an illusion and therefore you have dominion over it. The others however won’t realize that about themselves yet.

Robin Starbuck