It’s all over -rjs


You don’t exist.
I don’t either.
Nobody does.

Not in some far-off
Esoteric “place” but
Right here, right “now”

Ponder it deeply
Before your pondering
Mechanism dissolves!

Every “thing” is departing
With fond alacrity
Good riddance to it all.

Alone at last – how sublime!
No more years to waste
On the treadmill of seeming life.

Nothing has changed . . .
And yet
Every thing is different now.

Indescribably wonderful!
Ineffable perfection
Joy without end.

There may be pain and fear
What of it? You’re not there.
Nor me, nor him, nor anyone.

The ultimate “finished” freedom
Is found in everyone’s
Ever-present absence.

-Robin Starbuck