No resistance, no ignoring -rjs

Don’t think for a moment that Spirit, God, ‘Creator’ of the universe (of Spirit) describes itself in cryptic language just to make your life miserable! That couldn’t be further from the truth!
There is no easy way to use a language – any human language – and explain issues of a non-human (non-mortal) nature. But the hard, cold fact is that humans are in essence mentally lazy. They hear earth-shattering truths but fail to follow them to a substantial conclusion.
“Matter as such does not exist.” So spake Einstein. But the world goes on and on ad infinitum with nary the slightest doubt as to the solidity, the all-pervasiveness and absolute dominion of same. It’s as if our mighty mortal man would quell the very knowledge gleaned by quantum- and astro-physics in the name of getting on with their summertime slumber.
~ Dr. Robin Starbuck