See Spirit spiritually -rjs

WHEN WE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT SPIRIT, we need to be aware that it’s a whole ‘nother realm. We run into so much trouble trying to blend the two realms, like mixing oil and water or comparing apples with oranges.

The Spiritual realm is not one millimeter or one nanosecond away: it’s right here! But here’s the kicker – it’s here INSTEAD. That is unbelievably wonderful news and here’s why: it is the HEALING of all the woes of the flesh – every last one of them! How’s that?

What is true in the Spirit oftentimes isn’t true in the flesh, and vice versa. Jesus lived in the flesh – or so it seemed – but saw right through the flesh all the time. When we “see” a body healed and whole the body obeys. When we see a world healed and whole it obeys. You really can’t prove me wrong coz you’d first have to “see” the healing.

So try it, I dare you! It gets easier and easier with practice.