When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence -RSpira

As it says in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘That which is day for the many is night for the one, and that which is night for the many is day for the one.’ When mind is awake or active, consciousness is asleep to its own nature, assuming the form of the finite mind in order to manifest a part of its infinite poten­tial, that is, to bring the world into apparent existence. When consciousness wakes up to itself and recognises its own infinite being, the mind dissolves or sleeps’, and as a result, consciousness folds the world up again within it­self. There is consciousness knowing its own infinite being, or consciousness veiling itself with its own creativity and appearing as mind.

It is in this context that the world is said to be ‘the forgetting of the self’ or a dream in God’s mind’. When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence.

~ Rupert Spira


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