Whole new way of thinking


Have you been pretty good for quite awhile? Got your mind stayed on God longer than you’ve done in a long time? Wonderful thoughts flooded your consciousness and you were soaring with the angels? What now?
Think about what it means to live forever in the Fourth Dimension. To have not a care in the world coz the world doesn’t exist in the Fourth Dimension. To observe all your former petty concerns slipping away and all those unresolved issues melting into their native nothingness. To look with such tender love and affection (not looking down upon) on every single person who comes to mind. To be filled with God’s loving-kindness and joy!
Think about the fact that everything God is you are! Wow! I mean WOW !! Let that be your full-time occupation. Take a synonym for God, like Omnipresence: you are as omnipresent as God!!! That alone could keep you busy for years. You’re Omniscience too. There’s nothing you don’t know, but you’ve been sleeping. Wakey-wakey! Oh, and Omnipotence too! Now don’t go crazy with that one and think this is your chance to punch So-and-so in the eye! That thought — while very funny — was also your crashing descent out of the Fourth Dimension and smack dab in the middle of the (Ugh!) Third!
It’s not that God doesn’t have a sense of humor, it’s that you were perfectly willing to let humor sabotage your VERY FRAGILE COMMITMENT to Fourth Dimensional living. We gotta be careful. We need to backtrack now.
Imagine You everywhere at the same time! Omigoodness gracious! That’s what God is. Imagine You infinitely powerful, infinitely aware, conscious of all that has any claim to reality. And all this is happening right here and now where those around you see … you.