Soul’s Inestimable Value

Soul’s Inestimable Value

Have you ever closed your eyes to meditate or commune with God or whatever and stayed there for quite some time and then realized that you were truly out of your body? You found it hard to believe that you have arms and legs and a torso!

Feet and hands – what are they? And even the internal organs – how strange to think you’re supposed to believe that that’s who you are when you feel and know that you’re not in a locatable space. When you’re out there, stay with it, it’s glorious and it’s real!

Isn’t it about time to actually be In your real being? The closest that we can get to this awareness when we’re busy with our day out in the world is to remember that we are our soul.

The awareness of soul is a remarkable gift from God because it’s the one opportunity in which people all over the world from all walks of life have some slight connection to the infinite. Soul is Spirit. It’s a lot easier for people to grasp that connection than it is to expect them to shut out the world that they believe they live in and regard themselves as pure Spirit and nothing less.

Ask anyone where their soul is located and suddenly you can feel the connection with them as they ponder it. I was a mere child when I learned the synonyms for God and as a lonely child in great need I found much solace in mentally juxtaposing the synonyms for God. I knew that Life = Love = Truth = Mind = Soul = Absolute = Omnipresence = Omnipotence = Omniscience.

Then one day I realized that Soul didn’t really resonate with me because I was using a very antiquated notion of it which no longer made sense.

I guess I was all of about 10 or so when I finally discovered that Soul was the one synonym for God that stood out as being vibrant with the greatest hope of connecting everyone with God. It is like all other definitions of God that are entirely Spirit and spiritual. Therefore everything that one has ever attributed to Soul undergoes an instantaneous and complete mental purification as a synonym of Spirit.

Soul does not bring Spirit, God, down to the mundane. On the contrary, Spirit, God, is the reason that Soul is entirely spiritual.

Dr. Robin Starbuck